旅行者背包 Traveler’s Backpack Mod由探索者背包发展而来,目前已经加入了探索者背包所有的样式,在未来的发展中,会加入更多探索者背包的实用内容。 mod特点 背上背包后,默认按B键能够打开背包界面。 旅行者背包提供了45个物品格与2个流体储液罐,每个储液罐可以储存4桶液体。
英文名:Traveler's Backpack复制 中文代码英文代码 旅行者的背包ID: 4500 16格容器 卖价:8750 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 相关 包含于(2) 包含于(2) 掉落于(300) 掉落于(300) 包含于(15) 包含于(15) 声音(2) 声音(2) 1—2的2 名称 等级
Has resigned from the eight, ten-year, backpack travel over more than 60 countries. Never understood by the people around you to become a professional traveler. He used his experience to tell us – as long as the firm to pursue their dreams, one day the Sun scatters the clouds. Travel ...