新视野视听说第三版第4册答案Unit 1SharingTask 3b c f d c aTask 42 4Task 51. lantisocial 2aware of2. lappreciate 2attidude3. 1 toleran
4.M:So, your research shows that even when children are not direct targets of violence in the home, they can be harmed by witnessing its occurrence? W:Yes, that's right. For example, they can suffer immediate and permanent physical harm. They can also experience short- and long-term emo...
新视野大学英语视听说教程(第三版)第4册.pdf,UNIT 1 UNIT 2 Short conversations Shortconversations 1 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman? 1 Q: What are the two speakers talking about? D Do whatever she can to exercise. A What the man will do after
页共27 页 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第四册答案 Sharing Task3 bcfdca Task4 Task5 1.(1)anti-social 2.(1)appreciate 3.(1)tolerant 4.impress (2)awareof (2)attidude (2)cometoanend(3)walkaway Listening Task2activity2 Lark:Speaker1 Owl:Speaker2 Speaker6 Speaker3 Speaker4Speaker5Sp...
新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程4答案.pdf 搜索文档名称:新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程4答案.pdf 格式:pdf 大小:1.24MB 总页数:11发布时间:2021-08-11发布于浙江 上传者:Puzjsjyb下载源文档需要:190金币阅读:340下载文档,永久保存 您可能关注的文档...
1) brighten your mood 2) a nurturing environment 3) a stable family 4) health 5) Feel contentment 6) makes the difference 7) feeling satisfied with 精选完整ppt课件 12 Listening to the world Sharing 5 Watch Part 4 and check the true statements. ☐√1 ☐ 2 (He believes in a progress...
新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案 Unit 1 enjoy your feelings! Basic listening practice Keys:CBDAD lListening In Task 1what a clumsy man! Keys:ACDCB Task 2causes of depression Keys:(1)families(2)chemicals(3)information(4)certainsymptoms(5)self-esteem (6)thinkingpatterns(7)mood(8)divorce(...
未知驱动探索,专注成就专业 1 新视野大学英语第三版视听说教程 4 答案 Unit 1 Listening Comprehension 1. Answers will vary 2. Answers will vary 3. Answers will vary 4. Answers will vary 5. Answers will vary Speaking 1. Answers will vary 2. Answers will vary 3. Answers will vary 4. Answers...
新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程-第四册答案.pdf,新视野视听说第三版第4 册答案 n i t 1 U S h a rif Ta k 3 s b c f d c a Tas k 4 2 4 T a s k s (2)awar o . l n -s i e f 1 ( )a ti oc al (2 att du e 2. (1 ap re ia ) i d ) p c te (3) l ...