2024年新概念英语第二册 Lesson1-Lesson24 分课时讲义.pdf,Lesson 1A private conversation 【阅读理解】 1. Why couldnt I hear the actors? Because the young man and w o m a n . 2. Do you think the young man understood me before answering “This is a private co
新概念英语第二册1-24 新概念(gàiniàn)英语第二册NCE 精品PPT Lesson1Aprivateconversation私人srn谈话 LastweekIwenttothetheatre.theatren.戏院n,剧院,电影院cinema电影院gotothecinema去看电影 Ihadavergoodseat.seatn.座位takeaseatIstheseattaken?vt.使...坐下seatsb.Seatorself.sitvi.坐下Heissitting...
新概念英语第二册_1—24课考试试卷.pdf,博观而约取,厚积而薄发。——苏轼 新概念英语第二册_1—24 课考试试卷 新概念二 L1—24 测试总卷 I、选择题 1、Mr. Long is a teacher Mrs. Brown. A. good, and B. better, than C. best, than D. well, and 2 、If it we wont have
新概念英语第二册课文[1]新概念英语第二册课文(英汉对照)[1-24课] Lesson1 Aprivate conversation私人谈话 Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking...
新概念英语2课文原文&翻译(1-24课).pdf,【恒心】新概念英语2 课文原文 翻译 (1-24课) Lesson 1 A private conversation 课文内容: Last w eek I w ent to the theatre . I had a very good seat. T he play w as very interesting . I did not enj oy it. A young m
新概念英语第二册1~24课单词集(音标版word) 1 private / 'praivit/ a.私人的 2 conversation / 'kRnvE'seiFEn/ n.谈话 3 theatre / / n.剧场,戏院 4 seat / si:t/ n.座位 5 play / plei/ n.戏;v.玩,游戏 6 loudly / 'laudli/ ad.大声地 7 angry / 'ANgri/ a.生气的 8 angrily / ...
1 He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer.他问我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。ask sb.for sth.,向某人索要某物。 2 in return for this,作为报答,句中 this 指上文的 a meal and a glass of beer。 3 stand on one's head,倒立。
新概念二册Unit 1(Lesson 1-24)综合测试题(答案) Part oneDictation30marks(答案略,参照书本) ParttwoMultiple choice20marks 1-5:CDADC 6-10:DABBC 11-15:BBBCD 16-20:BAAAA PartthreeFillin the blankswith proper prepositions5 marks 1.In 2. for 3。down 4. by 5. on PartfourChoose correct wo...
160 -- 19:24 App 新概念第二册-Lesson19 6652 1 1:18:32 App 【268集全】新概念英语1动漫版(逗你学) 395 -- 8:18:54 App 【新概念英语三 精讲课】全60集 2133 -- 1:13:49 App 【全216集】最适合小学生的新概念英语第一册 (2023新版)视频+跟读音频 5431 4 4:39:56 App 新概念英语动...