答案:The text is organized following a typical five-paragraph structure, with Para. 1 serving as the introduction, Paras. 2–4 as the body and Para. 5 as the conclusion. The author uses a few signposting expressions in the text, for example, "This essay will therefore argue that" in Par...
2. While arguably only a contributory factor, it is clear that it is a significant one. Cautious and assertive language: 1.This is likely to result in 2.arguably only a contributory factor; it is clear that 3、Practicing the skill 2 答案: In addition, global warming exerts a clear impact...
u校园新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程unit2 《U校园新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程》Unit 2的主题是“全球变暖”。这个单元主要探讨全球变暖的原因、影响以及如何采取措施应对全球变暖。 在这个单元中,你将学习到关于全球变暖的基本知识,包括温室效应、碳排放等概念。你将了解到全球变暖对地球环境和人类生活的...
陪你一起进步的大学习题答案 2023-12-06 10:51海南 点击下方蓝色文字 即可查看 新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程 Unit1 新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程 Unit2 新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程 Unit3 新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程 Unit4 ...
新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程答案 u校园新视野答案 2023-11-22 12:05 发表于 湖北 点击下方 蓝色 文字即可查看 unit1 unit2 unit3 unit4 unit5 unit6 <end> 点击下方公众号名片 get更多课后答案+学习资料 ☟☟☟ u校园资料 u校园答案,新视野大学...
答案: 1.Perhaps the most often cited cause of stereotypical teenage behavior is the underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex—the section of our brains that governs impulses and emotions, and makes rational decisions. (Para. 2) 2.According to Luna et al. (2010), synaptic pruning is not the...
2. Why may the solution of switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet not be viable? It is true that switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet can reduce water consumption, as the production of meat is much more water-intensive than the production of vegetables. However, asking people to consum...
新探索研究生英语unit2合集 新探索研究生英语(提高级)下读写教程答案 新探索研究生英语(提高级)下读写教程答案 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (15 points, 1 point each) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A),B),C) and ...
新探索研究生英语(提高级)unit1passage2 Directions: Waterscarcity【不足;缺乏】is becoming an increasingly serious problem in many countries. According to the UN World Water Development Report 2020,2.2 billion people around the world do not have access to safely managed drinking water.【全世界22亿人...