新交互英语4答案新交互英语4答案(完整版) Unit 1 3/19 A soccer... his meeting... At a juice bar 8/19 He had to wear... They met in the lobby,went out to lunch... he wants to help... The company wants him... Shes working on...star 10/19 What does Talia→选最长 According ...
新交互英语新交互英语 4 答案新交互英语答案新交互英语 4 答案(完整版)答案(完整版) Unit 1 3/ 19 A soccer... his meeting... At a juice bar 8/ 19 He had to w ear... They met in the lobby,w ent out to lunch... he w ants to help... The company w ants him... She's w ...
篇1:新交互大学英语3答案c 注:序号代表页码Module B 第一单元 1.bca 2.nick calls out to...telia meets...coach haskins tells...coach haskins says...3.bca 4.acba 5.cbb 6.I’d be glad to...No,no0t at all I have to take...7.Do you feel...Do you think...love such so beli...
首发于新世界交互英语 切换模式写文章 登录/注册新世界交互英语第二版视听说2答案 大学四年的答案 需要其它答案的同学,直接发私信,评论不回哦219 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 Unit1 Unit2 Unit3-unit8 Unit1 Unit2 Unit3-unit8 温馨提示:答案均来自本人收集整理,未经授权禁止转载,还需要其它答案的同学...
新交互英语读写1答案完整版1 Unite2 Unite3 Unite4 Unite5 2/4的答案为 was,were,did,have,spent,much 3/3 1.help=home 2.homework=who Unite6 Unite7 Grammar1\3 should take Pardom am packing 4/7 Does he want a SMALL...--Yes 1423 Holly STREET--No How many choices does...--No Here ...
新交互英语(三)各部分答案一单元 what does---working why---worked what kind---journalism 8/19 when will---work Taila works---know Talia is---reporter Tony is---boss Talia`s hair---take 10/19 What does Amy---party What is---Background What does Tony---big 11/19 Amy says---...
新时代交互英语读写译1(Unit1-Unit8)课后答案.pdf,新时代交互英语读写译 1 (Unit1-Unit8 )课后答案 Unit1 III. Vocabulary and Structure 1. 1) promote 2) talent 3) effective 4) goal 5) semesters 6)involved 7) assignment 8) specific 9) contribute 10) positive 2
2/4的答案为 was,were,did,have,spent,much 3/3 =home =who Unite6 Unite7 Grammar1\3 should take Pardom am packing 4/7 Does he want a SMALL...--Yes 1423 Holly STREET--No How many choices does...--No Here you ARE--No 6/7 have--home rock--right 7/7 choose--cheer suit--subw...
新时代交互英语答案 篇1 第一单元 3/16 BBB 8/16 CABAC 9/16 ABA 1211 take a break why not some other time party available listen without talk to you about researching background work on hoping for break may be it By the way 1A/5 CBCAB ...