1/17 新一代大学英语提高篇视听说教程2答案 Unit1Communicationinthedigitalage 1-2iExplore1:Listeningandspeaking Passage1 ACBC Passage2 AABBA Conversatiol 1)communicate 2)potentialcustomers 3)weatherreports 4)fun 5)favoritesongs/favouritesongs 6)tellstories 7)care Conversatio2 CDBA Conversatio4 Reference...
内容提示: ) 新一代大学英语(提高篇) 程 视听说教程 2Unit 1 Communication in the digital age1-2Passage-1:ACBCPassage-2:AABBAConversation-1:1) communicate 2) potential customers3) weather reports 4) fun 5)favourite songs6) tell stories 7) careConversation-2:CDBANews report1:DDDCNews report...
全新现货正版 新一代大学英语提高篇 视听说教程2思政智慧版 王守仁 何莲珍 含思政数字课程激活码 9787521336283 含光盘 外研社 点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥65.90 (8.80折) 降价通知 定价¥74.90 10.0 13人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 王守仁 何莲珍 查看作品 出版 外语教学与研究出版社,2022年07月 查看作品 ...
新一代大学英语(提高篇)视听说教程2 Unit1Communication in the digital age 1-2 Passage-1:ACBC Passage-2:AABBA Conversation-1:1)communicate2)potential customers 3)weather reports4)fun5)favourite songs 6)tell stories7)care Conversation-2:CDBA News report1:DDDC News report2:CBA 1-3 Viewin...
2-2Passage-1 ABBBA Passage-2 1)new tools 2)our society 3)already exists 4)hard 5)capital 6)the passion 7)Build a company Conversation-1 1)hometown 2)restaurant 3)broke 4)a business plan Conversation-2 AADD News report-1 DCA
新一代大学英语提高篇视听说教程2答案.docx,PAGE2 / NUMPAGES2 新一代大学英语提高篇视听说教程2答案 Unit 1 Communication in the digital age 1-2 iExplore 1: Listening and speaking Passage 1 A C B C Passage 2 A A B B A Conversatio l 1) communicate 2) potential
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Unit 1 Part A Exercises : Exercise I Conversation 1 speak in might called Conversation 2 moment take mobile Conversation 3 afraid make Say have to Exercise II 1、F 2、T 3、F 4… 千旬 新目标大学英语 视听说教程 徐锦芬 第二版 第1册 welearn课后习题答案 原文件https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gW...