整体纵向应变(Global longitudinal strain,GLS)为化疗患者心脏毒性的敏感指标。 这是一项回顾性研究,比较免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs)相关心肌炎(病例组,n=101)与服用ICI但没有心肌炎患者(对照组,n=92)的GLS(超声斑点追踪技术)。两组使用ICI前GLS也进行了测量。主要不良心脏事件(Major adver...
心超整体纵向应变(Global longitudinal strain,GLS)是通过心脏超声成像来测量心肌在整个收缩期间的纵向变形程度,以评估心肌收缩功能。 一、测量方法: 1.心超检查:需要进行常规的心脏超声检查,通常使用二维超声和M模式(运动模式)来观察心脏结构和功能。 ...
今天带来的是2019年法国学者发表在JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging上的一篇Meta分析:左心室整体纵向应变(GLS)在无症状显著主动脉瓣狭窄中的分布和预后意义。Distribution and Prognostic Significance of Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Str...
与传统的射血分数(EF)相比,经心超的整体纵向应变(Global longitudinal strain, GLS)测量在评估左室(LV)收缩功能和预测心衰预后方面的价值正逐渐被认可。然而,将GLS引入心超常规临床实践却面临诸多挑战,如操作者间的差异、时间和资源限制。 人工智能(Artificial intelligence, AI)技术的引入有望克服这些限制,将GLS分析...
参考文献:Oikonomou, E. K., Kokkinidis, D. G., Kampaktsis, P. N., Amir, E. A., Marwick, T. H., Gupta, D., & Thavendiranathan, P. (2019). Assessment of Prognostic Value of Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain for Early Prediction of Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity. JAMA...
Global longitudinal strain (GLS) of the left ventricle is a measure of the heart's ability to contract and relax in the longitudinal (up-and-down) direction. It is an important indicator of left ventricular function and can be used to assess conditionssuch as heart failure, cardiomyopathy, an...
与传统的射血分数(EF)相比,经心超的整体纵向应变(Global longitudinal strain, GLS)测量在评估左室(LV)收缩功能和预测心衰预后方面的价值正逐渐被认可。然而,将GLS引入心超常规临床实践却面临诸多挑战,如操作者间的差异、时间和资源限制。 人工智能(Artificial intelligence, AI)技术的引入有望克服这些限制,将GLS分析...
参考文献:Oikonomou, E. K., Kokkinidis, D. G., Kampaktsis, P. N., Amir, E. A., Marwick, T. H., Gupta, D., & Thavendiranathan, P. (2019). Assessment of Prognostic Value of Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain for Early Prediction of Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity. JAMA...
Global longitudinal strain (GLS) is a good parameter for evaluating early cardiotoxicity caused by radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of GLS in evaluating radiotherapy-induced early cardiotoxicity in breast cancer. Methods: Pub...
与传统的射血分数(EF)相比,经心超的整体纵向应变(Global longitudinal strain, GLS)测量在评估左室(LV)收缩功能和预测心衰预后方面的价值正逐渐被认可。然而,将GLS引入心超常规临床实践却面临诸多挑战,如操作者间的差异、时间和资源限制。人工智能(Artificial intelligence, AI)技术的引入有望克服这些限制,将GLS ...