Quitting a job or any commitment comes with various costs, both tangible and intangible. When considering the costs of quitting, it is essential to take into account the financial, emotional, and professional implications that may arise from such a decision. One of the most tangible costs of qu...
costs of quitting a job托福阅读 【最新版】 1.引言:介绍辞职所带来的成本 2.直接成本 a.找到新工作的成本 i.准备简历和求职信 ii.寻找新工作机会 iii.面试 b.失去的薪资和福利 i.辞职后的收入空窗期 ii.离职导致的福利损失 3.间接成本 a.社交成本 i.与同事和客户的关系 ii.融入新团队的挑战 b.心理...
托福阅读真题第135篇CostsofQuittingaJob(答案文章最后) Economic theory predicts that when the costs of quitting one’s job are relatively low, mobility is more likely. This observation underlines the analysis of the rise in quit rates during periods of prosperity, and the effects of mobility costs...
第一篇: 版本一:thecostofquittingajob 讲了跳槽的成本 第一段重心在说城里跳槽成本比村里低些 因为不用换住的地方 后来就开始解释为什么美国的跳槽成本和欧洲国家还有日本比为什么低 原因有俩 一个是在欧洲还有日本房租在政府定了一个initial价格之后容易改 后来就变高了所以跳槽成本高 另一个…失忆 最后说了...
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托福阅读真题第135篇CostsofQuittingaJob(答案文章最后) Economic theory predicts that when the costs of quitting one’s job are relatively low, mobility is more likely. This observation underlines the analysis of the rise in quit rates during periods of prosperity, and the effects of mobility costs...
学习成长树 2023年11月08日 20:24 Costs of Quitting a Job Economic theory predicts that when the costs of quitting one’s job are relatively low, mobility is more likely. This observation underlines the analysis of the rise in quit rates during periods of prosperity, and the effects of mobili...
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Costs of Quitting a Job Economic theory predicts that when the costs of quitting one’s job are relatively low, mobility is more likely. This observation underlines the analysis of the rise in quit rates during periods of prosperity, and the effects of mobility costs can be seen when...