我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,看起来这是与Minecraft游戏中的模组加载问题相关的错误。"Error loading mods"和“2 errors have occurred during loading”表明在尝试加载模组的时出现了两个错误。"Create (Steam & Rails (railways)) has failed to load correctly"、"Java...
Fixed the order in which a bucketed mob is created when released, which means any Actor Properties on it will load correctly 修复了释放桶装生物时生物生成的顺序,这意味着其活动对象属性将正确加载 Allays can now pick up and drop items at their owner when in a Boat (MCPE-156377) 在船中时,悦...
the game will now detect if it has failed to load correctly after 30 minutes, which will help us to diagnose and rectify the problem (MCPE-84790)
help us investigate this further, the game will now detect if it has failed to load correctly ...
] {re:classloading} at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigTracker.openCon 分享63 我的世界存档吧 佐菲本尊😂 我的世界0.13.0build5发布b5更新内容:5项bug修复 5 bugs fixed Fixed redstone clocks going to fast Redstone dust now aligns correctly on vertical sections Fixe 分享12赞 我的世界吧 丶...
Timeout when connecting to a multiplayer game has been reduced from 180 to 90 seconds 连接到多人...
The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼有了他自己的刷怪蛋 Added the player’s cause of death to the death screen 将玩家死亡原因添加到了死亡页面 Music is now included in the game files on iOS, so players no longer need to be download the music pack from the Marketplace ...
我的世界【冒险与地牢2 RAD2】0.7最新版 深度汉化整合包 升级 1000+任务,附下载链接 云师yo 关注 整合包介绍: 包括任务书汉化和物品汉化 包括大部分模组的汉化啦 下载链接:点赞过66更新哟(^U^)ノ~YO
The Trader Llama now has its own spawn egg 行商羊驼有了他自己的刷怪蛋 Added the player's ...