运用均衡(Trade-off)原理说明一个企业应该如何平衡客户服务水平决策与成本控制之间的关系?相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 正确答案:客户服务水平决定了产出的水平和物流系统反应的能力。物流成本随所提供的客户服务水平提高而成比例上升,这样,服务水平的设定也会影响支持这一服务水平的物流成本。服务水平设定过高,会使物流...
1) Trade-Off [英]['treɪd,ɔ:f, -,ɔf] [美]['tred,ɔf, -,ɑf] 平衡权衡2) weighted factor-balance 加权平衡 1. According to the analysis of the model and its restriction,a new solution,called weighted factor-balance arithmetic was proposed. 为求得连乘模型的最优解,探讨了...
trade-off n. 平衡,协调,妥协,让步 A trade-off is a situation where you make a compromise between two things, or where you exchange all or part of one thing for another. As a result, it is cruc...
Angew. Chem. :平衡MOF薄膜结晶与成膜之间的“trade-off” 相比于无定型的聚合物,金属-有机骨架(MOFs)作为晶态多孔材料,具有周期性均匀的分子级尺寸孔道,有利于突破聚合物膜的性能上限,构建高渗透性和选择性的分子筛膜,近年来得到广泛关注。 然而,另一方面,MOF膜的高结晶性质往往导致膜制备和活化过程中出现晶间缺...
Block Ciphers:针对块加密,如果不足一块,需要填充,填充模式例如:PKCS5PADDING C,当加密用Block Ciphers还会涉及到加密模式: CBC (Cipher Block Chaining), CFB (Cipher Feedback Mode), OFB (Output Feedback Mode). ECB (Electronic Cookbook Mode)
问答题运用均衡(Trade-off)原理说明一个企业应该如何平衡客户服务水平决策与成本控制之间的关系? 参考答案:客户服务水平决定了产出的水平和物流系统反应的能力。物流成本随所提供的客户服务水平提高而成比例上升,这样,服务水平的设定也... 点击查看完整答案
1、通过deb包安装的情况: 安装.deb包: 代码: sudo dpkg -i package_file.deb 反安装.deb包: 代码: sudo dpkg -r package_name 2、通过apt-get安装的情况: 安装 代码: sudo apt-get install package_name 反安装 代码: sudo apt-get remove package_name...
tomcat engine,host,context的管道处理——pipeline 所有实现了Pipeline接口的都可以配置自己的valve。进行责任链处理。
aIt is widely accepted that the frequency domain watermarking algorithms can be easily exploit the perceptual models based on characteristics of Human Visual System (HVS) to achieve the best trade-off between imperceptibility and robustness to image processing, 它广泛被接受频域水印算法可以容易地是利用...
1) Trade-off approach 平衡法则例句>> 2) rule of equity 衡平法规则3) throughput-balancing rule 产出平衡法则4) Environmental Law Principle of Equilibrium 环境法衡平原则5) balance principle 平衡原则 1. By analyzing the running characteristics of two subtasks that have resource dependency on ...