1. **Part I, Line 5**: 根据公司的性质,通常会检查“Active NFFE”选项,而非“Entity wholly owned by exempt beneficial owners”。2. **Part II**: 由于公司可能不是金融机构,如银行,这部分可以留空。3. **Part XVI, Line 30**: 不需要勾选任何选项。4. **Part XXV, Box 39**...
老外说我们发过去的都看不到,让我们打印出来,签字+写上日期,然后扫描件发给他。I suggest printing the form, signing and dating it again, and then scanning a copy to send via email. That should solve that problem.W8-BEN-E最终模板参考 如何填写美国纳税表格W9或者W-8-BEN-E的样本如下,身份是中...
因为他们中国供应商的货款对他们来说是一笔支出,支出越多,税就少了,说白了可以抵消税务,老外原话: I heard our tax department is helping get the paperwork settled.美国人不可能抽中国人的税,W-8BEN-E填了就是说这个意思,假如客户让你填W-8BEN-E你填吗??假如不填的话美国人不会和你做生意,美国很多中...
因为他们中国供应商的货款对他们来说是一笔支出,支出越多,税就少了,说白了可以抵消税务,老外原话: I heard our tax department is helping get the paperwork settled.美国人不可能抽中国人的税,W-8BEN-E填了就是说这个意思,假如客户让你填W-8BEN-E你填吗??假如不填的话美国人不会和你做生意,美国很多中...
W8-BEN-E最终模板参考 如何填写美国纳税表格W9或者W-8-BEN-E的样本如下,身份是中国公司+香港离岸收款...
美国纳税W-8BEN-E到底要填哪几项? 老外原话说:没法教你怎么填,只能大概告诉你你这种公司要怎么填,This form is tricky and can be difficult to complete. I am unable to tell you exactly how your organization should complete the form. However, I can tell you what we typically see from similar co...
为什么老外一定要填W8-BEN-E呢?因为他们中国供应商的货款对他们来说是一笔支出,支出越多,税就少了,说白了可以抵消税务,老外原话: I heard our tax department is helping get the paperwork settled.美国人不可能抽中国人的税,W-8BEN-E填了就是说这个意思,假如客户让你填W-8BEN-E你填吗??假如不填的话美...
美国纳税W-8BEN-E到底要填哪几项? 老外原话说:没法教你怎么填,只能大概告诉你你这种公司要怎么填,This form is tricky and can be difficult to complete. I am unable to tell you exactly how your organization should complete the form. However, I can tell you what we typically see from similar co...