全新的AMG G63有着强大的驱动系统,还有新开发的AMG RIDE CONTROL悬架、AMG专用变速器模式、宽屏驾驶舱、全新内饰,而标志性的AMG驾驶性能则属于4.0L V8双涡轮增压发动机,当然还有9AT、全轮驱动(40:60)、三把差速锁、双叉臂独立前悬架、自适应可调节阻尼来为其锦上添花。 19款奔驰G63则使用5.5T V8引擎,AMG调...
or Mercedes-AMG G 63, as it is now known. The old model was an army lorry, really. Designed in the trenches of the Somme, it was made from coal and brass and garnished with sharp edges and places where you could mount a Spandau machinegun. ...
全新的AMGG63有着强大的驱动系统,还有新开发的AMGRIDE CONTROL悬架、AMG专用变速器模式、宽屏驾驶舱、全新内饰,而标志性的AMG驾驶性能则属于4.0L V8双涡轮增压发动机,当然还有9AT、全轮驱动(40:60)、三把差速锁、双叉臂独立前悬架、自适应可调节阻尼来为其锦上添花。 新款G63尺寸相比老款有了明显提升,轴距增加...