求助帖,小白求助大气..大气 5.9.0,弟弟最近玩我switch,不小心进正版系统升级到最新 16.0.3 系统,然后再开机发现就进不去了,卡在 a fatal error occurred when running fu
A fatal error occurred when running Atmospheretitle ID :010041544d530000Error Desc: std abort()called(0xffe)Report saved to /atmosphere/fatal_errors/ 来自iPhone客户端2楼2022-10-17 15:11 回复 夏唯真 小有所成 3 The atmosphere directory may improperly have archive bits set 来自iPhone客户端...
大气层系统问题..A fatal error occurred when running AtmosphereProgram ID :0100000000000005Error Desc: std abort()called(0xffe)换了几个整合包一直都是这个代码,这是什么问题