23bpduplex5'-GAGCTGAAAGGAAGAAGTAGGAG・3。 3’-CTCGACTTTCCTTCTTCATCCTC.5’ 二、争珠蛋白基因s+旁侧远端tS9bp(-14s7—-1269)DNA片段与三链形成 B一珠蛋白基因5’旁侧189bpDNA片段内23br《・1361—-1339)靶DNA 片段(1.5tool/L)与12.5nmol/L、125nmol/L、1.25 ...
基因名:IGLL5 别名:IGL,IGLV,VL-MAR 基因ID:100423062 Chromosome: (GRCh37)22Start:23229960End:23238014Strand: 信号通路: IGLL5 基因突变与药物 请后查看 IGLL5基因突变 详细信息。
临床儿科杂志 第 39 卷第 3 期 2021 年 3 月 J Clin Pediatr Vol.39 No.3 Mar. 2021 通信作者:陈文雄 电子信箱: gzchcwx@126.com GJC2基因5’UTR 区变异致两兄妹同患佩梅样病田 杨 侯 池 栗金亮 廖寅婷 朱海霞 李小晶 陈文雄 康 婷 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心神经内科 (广东广州 510000)摘要: ...
also interacts functionally with mature hetero-oligomeric progesterone receptor complexes along with the 90 kDa heat shock protein and P23 protein. This gene has been found to have multiple polyadenylation sites. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.[provided by RefSeq, Mar 2009]...
also interacts functionally with mature hetero-oligomeric progesterone receptor complexes along with the 90 kDa heat shock protein and P23 protein. This gene has been found to have multiple polyadenylation sites. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.[provided by RefSeq, Mar 2009]...
GE8 株、 Τ· thioreducens)、火球菌(P. horikoshii)或热球菌(T. onnurineus NAl、Thermococcus sp. 9° N_7、Thermococcus sp. GI-JΛ Thermococcus sp. MAR—13、Thermococcus sp. GB-CΛ Thermococcus sp. GI-H)、水生栖热菌(Thermus aquaticus)、嗜热栖热菌(Thermus thermophiles)、栖热菌(Thermus ...
摘要 核基质结合区(matrix attachment region,MAR)又叫支架附着区(scaffold attachment region,SAR)是染色质被限制酶消化后仍与核基质或核骨架结合的DNA序列.转基因沉默主要发生在两个水... 关键词 核基质 MAR 基因沉默 位置效应 收藏 全部来源 求助全文 掌桥科研 ...
also interacts functionally with mature hetero-oligomeric progesterone receptor complexes along with the 90 kDa heat shock protein and P23 protein. This gene has been found to have multiple polyadenylation sites. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.[provided by RefSeq, Mar 2009]...
核基质结合区(matrix associated region)——MAR 基因丢失:指某些真核生物随着细胞的分化丢失了染色体的某些DNA片段的现象。 真核与原核生物转录调控的区别为: 原核生物功能相关的基因常组织在一起构成操纵子,作为基因表达和调节的单元;真核生物基因不组成操纵子,每个基因都有其自身的基本启动子和调节元件,单独进行转...
three main subunits (a, b, c). This gene encodes the epsilon subunit of the catalytic core. Two pseudogenes of this gene are located on chromosomes 4 and 13. Read-through transcripts that include exons from this gene are expressed from the upstream gene SLMO2.[provided by RefSeq, Mar ...