issn.1005-3026.2021.02.006基于 Dice 系数的弱选择回溯匹配追踪算法季 策ꎬ 王金芝ꎬ 耿 蓉(东北大学 计算机科学与工程学院ꎬ 辽宁 沈阳 110169)摘 要: 为进一步提高压缩感知重构算法的重构成功率和重构精度ꎬ从原子匹配准则和预选阶段原子选择方式的角度出发ꎬ提出一种基于 Dice 系数的弱选择回溯匹配追踪(...
First, the Dice coefficient matching criterion is used to measure the similarity between two vectors, and the best matching atom is selected to optimize the support set. Then, the backtracking idea is combined with weak, selection idea to eliminate the atoms with small similarity,...
匹配准则Dice系数二次筛选为进一步提高压缩感知重构算法的重构成功率和重构精度,从原子匹配准则和预选阶段原子选择方式的角度出发,提出一种基于Dice系数的弱选择回溯匹配追踪(weak-selection backtracking matching pursuit based on Dice coefficient,DWBMP)算法.首先,采用Dice系数匹配准则度量两个向量之间的相似性,选出最...