请将上述命令中的https://your-gitlab-url替换为你的GitLab地址,your-runner-token替换为你在步骤2中获取的Token信息。 配置Runner的Shell选项。在命令提示符(CMD)或PowerShell中执行以下命令,修改Runner的Shell选项: gitlab-runner config --url https://your-gitlab-url --token your-runner-token --shell po...
builds_dir="/d/Gitlab-Runner/builds" cache_dir="/d/Gitlab-Runner/cache" 2、 image.png 由于我的电脑上同时安装了 Git 和 Cygwin64 Terminal,Runner在调用 bash 时,选择了Cygwin64 Terminal导致下载代码失败。因此,在环境变量中删除Cygwin64 Terminal,打开 CMD 执行bash确保调用git bash。 卸载 cd C:\Gi...
在Windows上安装GitLab,由于GitLab通常作为一个服务器软件运行,其官方并不直接提供像其他桌面软件那样的Windows安装包。然而,您可以通过安装GitLab Runner(如果只需要CI/CD功能)或使用Omnibus GitLab包在Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 上安装GitLab,来间接地在Windows环境中使用GitLab。但这里,我将介绍一个更常见...
2. 安装githttps://git-scm.com/download/win 3. 二进制包下载地址 (64位) :https://gitlab-runner-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/latest/binaries/gitlab-runner-windows-amd64.exe 4. 建立一个目录,例如: c:\data\gitlab\, 将二进制包拷贝到这个目录, 并将名称重命名为gitlab-runner 5. 用管理员身份...
gitlab-runner stop gitlab-runner uninstall cd .. rmdir /s GitLab-Runner 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Troubleshooting Make sure that you read the FAQ section which describes some of the most common problems with GitLab Runner. If you encounter an error likeThe account name is invalidtry to add.\...
/etc/gitlab-runner/on *nix systems when GitLab Runner is executed as root (this is also the ...
GitLab 是一款免费的开源 DevOps 软件,它附带多种工具,可在单个应用程序中开发、保护和操作软件。它...
Install the Runner as a service and start it. You can either run the service using the Built-in System Account (recommended) or using a user account. Run service using Built-in System Account gitlab-runner installgitlab-runner start Run service using user account ...