快点儿 该起床啦 Come on, it's time to get up. 早安 慢点儿 Good morning. Be careful, please. 你真的要一个人去吗 Are you really gonna go all by yourself? 要不然呢 I still have to do it. 那你不害怕吗 But aren't you afraid? 怕什么 我会没事的 I'm gonna be okay. 但是如果你...
See You on Venus《在金星重逢(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,不要!不! No! No! 起来啦 Wakey, wakey. 痒痒怪来咯 Here comes the tickle monster. 快点儿 该起床啦 Come on, its time to get up. 早安 慢点儿 Good morning. Be careful, please. 你真的要一个人去吗
Areyoureallygonnagoallbyyourself? 要不然呢 Istillhavetodoit. 那你不害怕吗 Butaren'tyouafraid? 怕什么我会没事的 I'mgonnabeokay. 但是如果你没能及时回来做… Butwhatifyou'renotbackintimefor- 早上好呀 Goodmorning. 今天你感觉如何米娅 Howyoufeelingtoday,Mia?