1Abram went north out of Egypt to the southern part of Canaan with his wife and everything he owned, and Lot went with him. 2Abram was a very rich man, with sheep, goats, and cattle, as well as silver and gold. 3Then he left there and moved from place to place, goin...
被任为宰相。任职期间埃及仓满粮足。后因其故乡迦南遇饥荒,与前来埃及买粮的弟兄相认和解,并接其父前往埃及。与其兄弟一起被视为以色列十二列祖之一。主要影响 《圣经》创47:20 于是,约瑟为法老买了埃及所有的地,埃及人因被饥荒所迫,各都卖了自己的田地。那地 就都归了法老。埃及走上个人集权统治道路。