I'm a research engineer with Electricité de France or EDF. EDF is the leading company for the production and distribution of electricity in France and throughout Europe. Introduce the Presentation Topic I plan to say a few words about… I’m going to talk about… The ...
这就是所谓的wrap up时间,不妨再快速地把会议内容简短总结一遍,但是不要在别人准备走、收拾东西的时候...
Conference introduction 为探讨数据科学和计算智能领域的关键问题,促进相关交流,2024年智能计算与数据分析...
I'm a research engineer with Electricité de France or EDF. EDF is the leading company for the production and distribution of electricity in France and throughout Europe. Introduce the Presentation Topic I plan to say a few words about… I’m going to talk about… The ...
PPT准备 格式要统一。风格、字体、字号要统一,每一页标题的位置也要统一 内容详略得当。一定不要全是...
北美,巴西,南非等10多个国家作学术报告。2017年加拿大温哥华IABSE年会Session Chair,并参与Presentation...
国际学术会议英文口头报告(Oral presentation)常用语句www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/p/14442833.html 最后...
在准备口头报告之前, 要明确 :面对的是普通听众还是专家或同行 听众是友好的还是互动性高的 规定的时间...