3. Placing plants especially flowers at various places No one wants an empty house, and plants definitely play a refreshing role. First, the plants provide you with oxygen necessary for survival. Second, plants and especially flowers spread heart-attracting fragrance. All unhealthy odors are eradica...
3.- I saw a car crash into the tree just now. - ___ A.You should drive safely. B.A car? Not a man? C.Wow, that's scaring. 答案:C 4.- It is a little expensive for me. Can I have a discount? - ___? A.You must be kidding. B.It is terrible. C.The price has been...
2. Henry is good at darts. 2 3. Henry used to play dominos with his parents every day. 3 4. Judy enjoys playing cards online. 4 5. Judy is an expert at mahjong. 5 (1).cloze Subject A.T B.F (2).cloze Subject A.T B.F (3).cloze Subject A.T B.F (4).cloze Subject A....
最新国家开放大学电大《理工英语 一、完形填空:阅读下面的短文,选择合适的内容将短文补充完整。 Top 3 Green Home Innovations DThere are many things you can do to reduce carbon emission and help to make the earth a better place for future generations. Here are a few suggestions. EAlthough LED ...
F 3. Plastics would harm the environment if you were to burn them. T 4. You can leave batteries and clothes once every week. F 5. Henry can just leave all his rubbish outside his apartment without putting them into a bag. F 形考任务4 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断...
国家开放大学《理工英语3》单元自测参考答案单元自测3 1、—What does your company specialize in? —___ A. Our company is very large. B. Our company specializes in flood-proof development. C. Our company is located in Beijing. 2、—To be exact, what should I wear for the interview? —__...
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国家开放大学《理工英语3》形考任务1-8参考答案.pdf,国家开放大学《理工英语 3》单元自测 1-8 参考答案 单元自测 1 1、—If youre short-listed for the interview, well ring you by Friday. —___ A. I dont care. B. OK,Madam.Im looking forward to hearing from y
最新国家开放大学电大《理工英语3》形考任务五试题及答案 一、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C、D三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 While there are still many people who don't feel comfortable using a credit card to buy over the Internet, e-commerce is absolutely here to stay. If ...
1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑国家开放大学电大理工英语3形考任务3-4试题及答案 最新国家开放高校电大理工英语 3 形考任务 3-4 试题及答案 形考任务 3 一、 听力理解:请听下面的对话,依据对话内容进行推断,正确为 "t', 错误为 "f' 。 1. the belgian city of ghent has declared mondays meat-free ...