国家开放大学《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案 Unit 1 British Cultures 一、根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。(录音略) (一)Zhang Hua: 1.I'd like to see 2.I also want to see 3.I want to see 参考答案: 1.I'd like to see→more of London's streets.,...
国家开放大学《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案. . Unit1BritishCultures. 一、根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。(录音略). (一)ZhangHua:. 1.I'dliketosee. 2.Ialsowanttosee. 3.Iwanttosee. 参考答案:. 1.I'dliketosee→moreofLondon'sstreets.,. ...
国家开放大学人文英语4边学边练参考答案Unit 1 British Cultures一根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。录音略一Zhang Hua:1Id like to see2I also want to see3I want to see
国家开放大学 《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案 Unit 1 British Cultures 一、 根据录音 ,完成句子 ,理解细节 。(录音略) (一) Zhang Hua: rd like to see 2・ I also want to see 3. I want to see 参考答案: 1. 「d like to see f more of LondorVs streets., 2・ I also want to see ...
国家开放大学《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案Unit 1 British Cultures一、根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。(录音略)(一)Zhang Hua:1.I'd like to see2.I also want to see3.I want to see参考答案:1.I'd like to see →more of London's streets.,...
国家开放大学《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案 Unit 1 British Cultures 一、根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。(录音略) (一)Zhang Hua: 1.I'd like to see 2.I also want to see 3.I want to see 参考答案: 1.I'd like to see→more of London's streets.,...
国家开放大学《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案 Unit 1 British Cultures 一、根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。(录音略) (一)Zhang Hua: 1.I'd like to see 2.I also want to see 3.I want to see 参考答案: 1.I'd like to see→more of London's streets.,...
国家开放大学《人文英语4》边学边练参考答案 Unit1BritishCultures 一、 一、根据录音,完成句子,理解细节。,录音略, (一)ZhangHua, 1,I'dliketosee 2,Ialsowanttosee 3,Iwanttosee 参考答案, 1,I'dliketosee→moreofLondon'sstreets., 2,Ialsowanttosee→somethingspecial., ...