正确答案:对 4、___jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules. A:Planning B:Sales C:Technologies and research D:Finance 正确答案:Technologies and research 5、___ are the external factors you need to inve...
答案:错 第2章 单元测试 1、What are the basic elements in a resume? 答案:one’s personal information, educational background, job intention, relevant skills and qualifications, relevant experiences, achievements and rewards and so on 2、Which of the following should NOT be highlighted in your se...
知到智慧树网课商务英语听说答案.docx,提示∶「可以在线阅读或下载后查看」 可以收藏到浏览器收藏夹,方便下次查看 收藏方法如下: 1、【电脑用户】同时按住Ctrl+D 2、【手机用户】直接添加【书签】收藏 资料整理不易,花费大量时间精力,谢谢支持!! 答案从第二页开始!
超星尔雅网课答案国际商务英语.doc,超星尔雅网课答案国际商务英语 国际商务英语 第一章 单元测试 1、问题:A wellwritten company profile is important in that it makes it likely to quickly and easily present key information to the media, customers and the public.
知到智慧树网课商务英语写作实践章节测试答案.docx,第一章参考答案 1【从选项当中,选出一个作为答案】Is the body of your letter ___? Have you included all the facts, arguments, examples, and details you need to make your point? () A:concrete B:clear C:cor
以下英语表达正确的是?AC A、We could offer you 20% discount if you reserve now. B、We could offer you 80% discount if you reserve now. C、You are 20% off if you reserve the ticket now. D、You are 80% off if you reserve the ticket now. Check-in at the airport 1 【单选题】 I...
超星尔雅网课答案国际商务英语 下载积分:200 内容提示: 国际商务英语第一章 单元测试 1、问题:A wellwritten company profile is important inthat it makes it likely to quickly and easily present keyinformation to the media, customers and the public.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】 2、问题:A great ...
知到网课答案 商务英语视听说智慧树答案.docx,提示∶「在线阅读或者下载后查看」 可保存到浏览器收藏夹,方便下次查看 1、【电脑用户】同时按住Ctrl+D 2、【手机用户】直接添加【书签】收藏 资料整理不易,需要花费大量时间精力 答案从第二页开始! 见面课:公司推介 1、问
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