文件名后缀的英文翻译 网络exeFile name suffixFile extension 双语例句 1. There are implicit rules in make for performing generic transforms based on filename suffixes. 在make 中有一些隐式规则用来根据文件名后缀执行通用转换。 —— 给力词典精选 ...
税款交换格式文件扩展名〖后缀〗 2) taxation 税款 1. The taxpayer "in the taxpayer s litigation" refers to the taxpayer and the man who is equal to his position, and who pays thetaxationin fact. 本文认为纳税人诉讼中的“纳税人” ,包括纳税义务人以及与纳税义务人地位类似的代扣代缴义务人、负税...