华研专四听力答案 50篇 Dictation 1 Superstition迷信(144 words) One person in four in Britain is, apparently, superstitious, / and they’ll do everything from hanging horseshoes over their fireplace to crossing their fingers, / touching wood and absolutely never walking under a ladder. / And ...
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华研专四听力答案 专四听写 50 篇 Dictation 1 Superstition 迷信(144 words) One person in four in Britain is, apparently, superstitious, / and they’ll do everything from hanging horseshoes over their fireplace to crossing their fingers, / touching wood and absolutely never walking under a ...
华研专四听力答案 专四听写50篇 Dictation1Superstition迷信(144words) OnepersoninfourinBritainis,apparently,superstitious,/andthey’lldoeverythingfromhanginghorseshoesovertheirfireplacetocrossingtheirfingers,/touchingwoodandabsolutelyneverwalkingunderaladder./Andthey’recarefulaboutcats./Blackcatsaresupposedtobethe...
华研专四听力答案 专四听写50篇 Dictation1Superstition迷信(144words) OnepersoninfourinBritainis,apparently,superstitious,/andthey’lldoeverythingfromhanginghorseshoesovertheirfireplacetocrossingtheirfingers,/touchingwoodandabsolutelyneverwalkingunderaladder./Andthey’recarefulaboutcats./Blackcatsaresupposedtobethe...