Cache storage is allowed to cache it heuristically — so if you have any requirements on caching, you should always indicate them explicitly, in the Cache-Control header. Adding no-cache to the response causes revalidation to the server, so you can serve a fresh response every time — or if...
这个请求,可以看到response中既没有cache-control也没有expires,应该没有命中强缓存,但是我点击f5刷新后,返回200 from cache。请问这是如何实现的?设置etag和lastModified不是都应该命中协商缓存 返回304吗? 浏览器缓存前端 有用3关注10收藏2 回复 阅读11k 5 个回答 得票最新 画龙 23 发布于 2019-03-15 新手上路...