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人教新目标初中英语语法每日一练第5(有答案)单项选择 1. —I’m thirsty, Mom. I’d like something to drink. —We only have some in the fridge.? A.oranges C.juice D.cheese 2. Peter, honest boy, bought useful dictionary in the store yesterday.? A.a; a; an C.a...
2020初中英语语法每日一练(有答案) 1、Could you please put some in my cup? I’d like sweet coffee、 A、sugar B、salt C、ice D、pepper2 There will be talk on good manners at the school hall this afternoon、 A、the B、an C、a D、/ 3、 The CCTV program Readers interests people of ...
今日练习题目:初中英语语法&词汇练习!快来挑战! 每日一练 1. The writer has collected ___facts for his book. ___ of the places he has been to is impressive. A. a large number of...A number B. a large number of...The number C. a large number of...The amount D. a large amount...