前言:距离变换 距离变换的主要目的是通过识别目标点和背景点,将二值图像转换为灰度图像。 距离变换主要分为欧氏距离变换和非欧氏距离变换。 非欧距离变换包括棋盘距离变换、城市街区距离变换和倒角距离变换。 棋盘距离:| x1 - x2 | + | y1 - y2 | 城市街区距离:max( | x1 - x2 |, | y1 - y2 | ) ...
[16], [17] have considered methods to speed up the search over all possible transformations in chamfer matching by probing a distance transform of the image at the locations of the transformed object edge pixels. This distance transform measures the distance of each pixel in the image from an...