kingbase —— row_number() 排序函数 解读语句 SELECTROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITIONBY"DXID"ORDERBY"PX"DESC) num,t.*FROMem_dxsz_ex t 这里的 ROW_NUMBER() 函数将针对 SELECT 语句返回的每一行,从 1 开始编号,赋予其连续的编号 over() 里面就是:根据 DXID 编号,DXID 同的按 PX 降序进行 1、2、3 ...
select emp_no, birth_date, first_name, last_name, gender, hire_date from (select emp_no, birth_date, first_name, last_name, gender, hire_date, row_number()over(order by hire_date desc) r from employees) a where a.r=1 可以先将入职时间排序,再进行查找 ...
摘要:== MySQL版本版 set @rownum =0select @rownum:=@rownum+1 ,c1 from table1 ==人大金仓版 select ROW_NUMBER() OVER() ,c1from table1阅读全文 posted @2022-05-19 14:43je_ck阅读(145)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑 人大金仓时间转换 摘要:时间转时间戳 SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM cast('2022-05-19...
As CYQ.Data began to return to free use, it was found that users' emotions were getting more and more excited. In order to maintain this continuous excitement, I had the idea of open source. At the same time, because the framework has evolved over the past 5-6 years, the earl...
getName().startsWith("SYS_IOT_OVER")) { //oracle system table return true; } else //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral,HardCodedStringLiteral if ((example.getName().startsWith("MDRT_") || example.getName().startsWith("MDRS_")) && example.getName().endsWith("$")) { // CORE-1768...