aIn regard to the road section with a design elevation of +9.1m, it shall be treated with vacuum preloading by a width of 80m. As to the transition section between the design elevation of +9.1m and the design elevation of +14.4m behind, it is subject to vacuum combined surcharge preloadi...
一次交流互访英文作文一次交流互访英文作文 英文: During a recent exchange visit, I had the opportunity to visit a school in China and host a student from there at my school in the United States. It was an amazing experience to learn about another culture and make new friends. 。 When I ...
adon't see anything 不要看什么[translate] aInternal Error: magic 内部错误: 魔术[translate] a教师交流,学生互访 The teacher exchanges, student exchange visits[translate]
教师交流,学生互访问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 Teacher exchanges, student exchanges 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 babylon.0.10._babylon_api_response 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 The teacher exchanges, student exchange visits 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 Teacher exchanges, student exc...
形式是两年一轮互访互相对等接待,在对方国的吃住由对方负担,其余自己负担。双方在访问期间,有一周时间其他地方旅行,费用自负。两校至今已交流14年。 In 1995, my school senior middle school formed the friendly school with Berlin Lebanon Li - the cloth Rauen in Beijing and under the Berlin friendship city...
二、 双方同意建立适当的交流合作机制,定期或不定期举行互访、会谈或专门会议,就双方合作发展过程中的相关问题进行沟通交流,或针对具体问题进行协商问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 The two sides agreed to establish an appropriate mechanism for communication and cooperation, at regular or irregular ...
蔡英文今日上午接见法国国民议会友台小组外交委员会副主席艾毕雍(Michel Herbillon)议员一行,说明台法关系从“中央”到地方,从政府到民间,都全面加强交流,盼透过台法高层的互访,促进更多的交流合作。 《自由时报》报道,法国国民议会友台小组艾毕雍(Michel Herbillon)议员等8人,应台湾邀请于9月10日至14日“访台”...
2013年,西班牙尼豪中文学校与北京市一所中学正式达成友好学校国际间交流,双方每年都会派师生互访学习。 交流是双向互动的,既要珍惜自己文化的羽毛,也要尊重别国的文化。为实现双向的沟通,很多华裔教师“衣带渐宽终不悔”,常年致力于此。 传于学,引其路 著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说:“要记住,你不仅...