1、主谓宾句型的宾语从句:作为名词的宾语扩展成一个be句型或者do句型。 He knows the news He knows that the teacher is in classroom 2、主谓宾宾---do(vt)句型的宾语从句,把直接宾语变为一个be或do句型。 He tells me the news He tells the news to me He tells me that she is a teacher He te...
名词性从句(宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句) 六大基本句型 1主系表句型---?be?(连系动词do) 2、主谓宾---?do(vt) 3、主谓---do(vi)---(不及物动词) 4、主谓宾补---do(vt) 5、主谓宾宾---do(vt)记双宾语得动词一定要记。 6、There?be?(不及物动词do)---be(不及物动词) 宾语从句定义:在...
1、.名词性从句宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句六大根本句型1主系表句型- be 连系动词do2、主谓宾- dovt3、主谓- dovi-不及物动词4、主谓宾补-dovt5、主谓宾宾-dovt 记双宾语的动词一定要记。6、There be 不及物动词do-be 不及物动词宾语从句定义:在主谓宾句型的宾语的位置上把做为名词的宾语扩展成一个...
·主语、宾语、定语、状语和表语部分如果由句子充当,就是主语从句、宾语从句句、状语从句和表语从句专项练习Fill in the blanks with the cerrect form of the even words in the brackets1. The chairman emphasized his.ideas by speaking more (loud) _...2. There has been a farge (grow) __.__ of ...
主语系表语从句 ④事实是因为每个人都n加油要生活---thefactisbecausen加油everyonemustlive 小结:表语从句的引导词与宾语从句一样,规n加油律与宾语从句一样,只不过称呼不同而已,因此掌握宾语n加油从句以后,表语从句无需特别学习。但要注意以下几点: 1、不...
名词性从句练习题(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)名词性从句练习题 教师:勤酱酱 1:_T__h_at__weneedmoreequipmentisobvious.2:ThathecancometothepartyontimedependsonthetrafWfihc.ether3:Whosignsherewillgetagift.Whoever4:_W__h_y__theysuddenlydisappearedremainsamystery.5:Itisquiteclear__t_h...
求主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句的练习题目各50道, 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 1.___ makes mistakes must correct them.A. What B. That C. Whoever D. Whatever 2. It worried her a bit ___ her hair was turning grey.A. while B. that C. if D. for 3.When and why he came here ___...
名词性从句(宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句) 六大基本句型 1主系表句型--- be (连系动词do) 2、主谓宾--- do(vt) 3、主谓--- do(vi)---(不及物动词) 4、主谓宾补---do(vt) 5、主谓宾宾---do(vt) 记双宾语的动词一定要记。 6、There be (不及物动词do)---be (不及物动词) 宾语从句定义...
60.65move 一般现在时 语法一致 宾语从句的时态 70.4过去进行时的被动语态 宾语从句的时态 80.65连接副词where引导表语从句 90.65主语从句的连接词 100.85主语从句的连接词 It be…that/who强调句型 110.65连接词because引导表语从句 120.65expect 连接代词what引导宾语从句 ...