[46]Lewis, R.(1986).What Is Open Learning[J]. Open Learning, 1(2):5-10. [47]Lundin, R. (1999). Flexible Teaching and Learning: Perspectives and Practices[C]// Proceedings of Tools for Flexible Learning Workshop. [48]McMeek...
In the process of children's growth, parents are the most important companions and guides. However, many parents often fall into a passive mode of education that simply imparts knowledge and skills. In order to better help ...
因此,在自适应隐式形状模型的基础上,又提出主动视觉方法,使用 Q 学习( Q-Learning,QL) 算法估计危险品的下一最佳视角,在机械手将包裹旋转到估计角度后,再次进行单视角检测。为了进一步减少危险品检测时间和提高检测的性能,本文在该方法的基础上对下一个最佳视角部分提出采用基于状态回溯的启发式 Q 学习( Heuristical...
为此,我们提出了一种名为 AFT* 的全新方法,可以自然地将主动学习(active learning)和迁移学习(transfer learning)整合成单一一个框架。我们的 AFT* 方法首先会使用一个预训练 CNN 来寻找未标注数据中的「显著」样本来进行标注,然后这个(经过微调的)的 CNN 会根据新标注的样本以及所有误分类的样本而持续得到调整改进...
deepQ-learning;rein-forcementlearning摘 要 强化学习中智能体与环境交互的成本较高.针对深度 Q 学习中经验池样本利用效率的问题,提出基于 TD-error自适应校正的主动采样方法.深度 Q 学习训练中样本存储优先级的更新滞后于 Q 网络参数的更新,存储优先级不能准确反映经验池中样本 TD-error的真实分布.提出的 TD-...
如:1.We should learn a language actively.此句中用来修饰动词learn,故用副词。2.We should learn ...
Shaopeng Liu, Guohui Tian, Yongcheng Cui, Xuyang Shao, 2022. A deep Q-learning network based active object detection model with a novel training algorithm for service robots. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 23(11):1673-1683.https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.2200109 ...
Wang, Y., Cullen, K. L., Yao, X., et al.(2013). Personality, freshmen proactive social behavior, and college transition: Predictors beyond academic strategies. Learning and Individual Differences, 23, 205-212. 注释: ① 本研究并没有直接使用学生的学习成绩作为学习绩效,而是采用自我报告的方式获...
school." Dean Wu pointed out that the core of active learning advocated by Ambright Education is to stimulate students' inner motivation to be willing to learn, to be able to learn, and to learn well, while also focusing on ...