(4) Wiring of the control circuit PC SE RUN 10 2 5 4 A BC SD SD STF STR RL RM RH AM Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. Screw size: M3 (A, B, C terminals), M2 (other than on the left) Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (A, B, C ...
型号:CB150 类型:螺杆式 构造类型:全封闭式 排量类型:定量压缩机 容积效率:324324 缸径:4234mm 转速:342342r/min 热水温度:34℃ 运行电耗:42342KW 冷却水温度:656℃ 适用领域:冷水机组 能效比:2wh 功率:4.2kw 加工定制:非加工定制 外形尺寸:2mm
(4) Wiring of the control circuit PC SE RUN 10 2 5 4 A BC SD SD STF STR RL RM RH AM Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. Screw size: M3 (A, B, C terminals), M2 (other than on the left) Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (A, B, C ...
(4) Wiring of the control circuit PC SE RUN 10 2 5 4 A BC SD SD STF STR RL RM RH AM Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. Screw size: M3 (A, B, C terminals), M2 (other than on the left) Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (A, B, C ...
经营范围设计、产销、安装、维修:制冷设备、电机设备。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 点击查看更多企业信息 店内其他产品 更多>> 供应商:邓翠婷 东莞市港汇制冷机电设备有限公司 想获得更多采购商询盘?戳这里! 请供应商联系我 ...
(4) Wiring of the control circuit PC SE RUN 10 2 5 4 A BC SD SD STF STR RL RM RH AM Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. Screw size: M3 (A, B, C terminals), M2 (other than on the left) Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (A, B, C ...
安全边沿开关 (如:SE40)、 安全模块 (如:AZR 11 RT2)、 安全磁开关 (如:BNS250)、 电梯开关 (如:AZ07)、 防松开关 (如:T.441-11Y-14)、 安全地毯开关 (如:SMS3) 、 跑偏开关 (如:MV10H330-11Y-1348)、 大距离接近开关 (如:IFO50-385-10/10P)、 凸轮转换开关 (如:MSP152-11/11Y)...
(4) Wiring of the control circuit PC SE RUN 10 2 5 4 A BC SD SD STF STR RL RM RH AM Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. Screw size: M3 (A, B, C terminals), M2 (other than on the left) Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (A, B, C ...
(4) Wiring of the control circuit PC SE RUN 10 2 5 4 A BC SD SD STF STR RL RM RH AM Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal. Screw size: M3 (A, B, C terminals), M2 (other than on the left) Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (A, B, C ...