This device is qualified with the highest level, Grade A, 1 million times short-to-GND certification. The TPS1H100-Q1 device can be used as a high-side power switch for a wide variety of resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads, including the low-wattage bulbs, LEDs, relays, solenoids,...
また、プリエンプションやパケットロスの原因となり、分離を適切に行うにあたって致命的となる一貫性の欠如を回避します。ホストと仮想マシンの分離は、tuned プロファイルに依存します。このプロファイルは、分離する CPU の一覧に基づいて、ブート...
This effectively merges the frames from N video sources into a single frame that has N times the number of video lines. In this mode, all video streams must also have the same VC, although this is not checked by the forwarding engine. This is useful when connected to a controller that ...