This device is qualified with the highest level, Grade A, 1 million times short-to-GND certification. The TPS1H100-Q1 device can be used as a high-side power switch for a wide variety of resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads, including the low-wattage bulbs, LEDs, relays, solenoids,...
NOMINAL DATA RATE (SPS) –3-dB BANDWIDTH (Hz) NORMAL MODE 20 45 90 175 330 600 1000 TURBO MODE 40 90 180 350 660 1200 2000 13.1 20.0 39.6 77.8 150.1 279.0 483.8 17.1 39.9 79.2 155.6 300.3 558.1 967.6 表 12. Conversion Times CONTINUOUS CONVERSION MODE(1) ACTUAL CONVERSION TIME (tCLK...