(half duplex) No load No load 7 17 µA 8 21 µA ICCDT_485 Supply current in RS-485 driver termination mode ICCRT_485 Supply current in RS-485 receiver termination mode ICC_RS232 Supply current in RS-232 mode Driver enabled with termination ON; MODE2, MODE1, MODE0 = 011 (full...
項目 シンボル Min Typ Max 単位 測定条件 許容リップル周波数 fr (VCC) —— 10 kHz 図 2.2 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.2 ——1 MHz 図 2.2 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.08 —— 10 MHz 図 2.2 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.06 許容電圧変動立ち上がり/立ち下がり勾 dt/dVCC 1.0 —— ms/V VCC...
Avoid running the CS signal traces near to sources of high dv/dt. Provide a simple RC filter as close to the pin as possible to help filter out leading edge noise spikes which occur at the beginning of each switching cycle. • For the SYNC pin: this pin is essentially a digital I/...
Industrial automation plc programming controller CP1E-E10DT-A $35.00 - $260.00 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return Original and new Inovance 850w ac servo motor MS1H3-85B15CB-T331Z-X6 $270.00 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return KEE-80-6B Three-phase, 6-pole Vibrator vibration motor $29.00 M...
CATALOG BACKUPPIECE '/disk2/09dtq55d_1_2', '/disk2/0bdtqdou_1_1'; 必要に応じて、LISTコマンドを実行するか、またはV$ビューを問い合せて変更を確認します。 ビューには、V$BACKUP_PIECE、V$BACKUP_SET、V$BACKUP_DATAFILE、V$BACKUP_REDOLOGおよびV$BACKUP_SPFILEがあります。次の問合せは...
項目 シンボル Min Typ Max 単位 測定条件 許容リップル周波数 fr (VCC) —— 10 kHz 図 2.2 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.2 ——1 MHz 図 2.2 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.08 —— 10 MHz 図 2.2 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.06 許容電圧変動立ち上がり/立ち下がり勾 dt/dVCC 1.0 —— ms/V VCC...
dt ramping control Rapid Overload recovery 2X Power Class Current Limit Class Port Voltage Control OSS/ POR Enable Gm DRIVER Fuse-able Disconnect 14 Bit ADC (Current) Variable Averager IPORT ICLASS BIT 320Hz LPF DRAINx VPWR PD LOAD GATEx SENx KSENSEx RSENSE GND Common Functions for Ports...
dt ramping control Rapid Overload recovery 2X Power Class Current Limit Class Port Voltage Control OSS/ POR Enable Gm DRIVER Fuse-able Disconnect 14 Bit ADC (Current) Variable Averager IPORT ICLASS BIT 320Hz LPF DRAINx VPWR PD LOAD GATEx SENx KSENSEx RSENSE GND Common Functions for Ports...
項目 シンボル Min Typ Max 単位 測定条件 許容リップル周波 fr (VCC) —— 10 kHz 図 2.6 数 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.2 ——1 MHz 図 2.6 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.08 —— 10 MHz 図 2.6 Vr (VCC) ≦ VCC × 0.06 許容電圧変動立ち dt/dVCC 上がり/立ち下が り勾配 1.0 —— ms...