Dead-times between PWML (controls QL) and PWMH (controls QH) are optimally adjusted to help minimize the circulating energy required for ZVS. Therefore, the overall system efficiency can be significantly improved and more consistent efficiency can be obtained in mass production of the soft-...
The junction temperature is then the ambient temperature plus the power times the junction-to-air thermal resistance. 6.8 Electrical Characteristics VCC = 3.3 V or 5.0 V, 1-µF capacitor from VCC to GND, VDD – COM = 20 V, 18 V or 15 V, COM – VEE = 0 V, 5 V, 8 V or 15...
(100% production) VALUE >8 >8 > 17 > 600 I I-IV I-IV I-III 2121 1500 2121 8000 8000 12800 ≤5 ≤5 ≤5 ~1 ≥ 1012 ≥ 1011 ≥ 109 2 40/125/21 5700 UNIT mm mm µm V VPK VRMS VDC VPK VPK VPK pC pF Ω VRMS (1) Apply creepage and clearance requirements according to ...