14-Bit ADC Result 0x1800 0x1F10 ADC Result in Decimal 6144 7952 GAIN (µV/LSB) 380 380 OFFSET (mV) 30 30 Cell Voltage (mV) 2365 3052 Note When entering NORMAL mode from SHIP mode, please allow for the following times before reading out initial cell voltage data: BQ76920: 250 ms ...
A small amount of hysteresis has been provided by the 10 kΩ and 10 MΩ resistors to insure fast switching when the RC time constant is chosen to give long delay times. A good starting point is R = 100 kΩ and C = 0.01 µF to 1 µF. All outputs will immediately go low when...
Great Times! Brian_N(2025年1月) 船上での素晴らしい体験!クルーは最高だった!そうあなたの必要性すべてのために収容し、友好的で、利用できる。生涯の思い出を作りました 自動翻訳 ホストからの返信(2025年1月) Thank you so much for your kind words! We're thrilled ...
3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 TYP MAX 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 RH ( %RH) 相対湿度 (%RH) 精度 代表的なアプリケーション 英語版の TI 製品についての情報を翻訳したこの資料は,製品の概要を確認する目的で便宜的に提供しているものです.該当する正式な英語版の最新情報は, www.ti....
The component values of C1, C2, and Rd are determined using a crystal from Fox Electronics – part number HC49U-6.00MHz 30\50\0±70\20, which means ±30 ppm at 25°C and ±50 ppm from 0°C to 70°C. The characteristics for the crystal include a load capacitance (CL) of 20 pF...
If the I2C bus is held idle for more than 25 ms, the bus times out. The I2C bus is bidirectional; that is, the SDA line is used for both transmitting and receiving data. When the master reads from a slave, the slave drives the data line; when the master sends to a slave, the ...
This is necessary to avoid the host reading an existing measurement multiple times, before a new measurement has been taken and is available for readout. An invalid Cell 1 Voltage() reading may result in an SUV PF Alert being set but does not result in an SUV PF status fault if the ...
(low to high edge 50%) to CANH going from recessive level Vo(rec) to 0.5V With TXD high, time from SHDN pin (high to low edge 50%) to CANH going from 0.5V to Vo(rec) See 図 7-5 140 210 ns 30 µs 40 µs 200 µs 0.5 1.8 µs 0.8 6 ms 1.5 ms 0.5 1 2 µs...