100人×中出し引退版への道 上原亜衣 有码 migd702 中出しごっくん逆3P同棲性活 1ヵ月分の30発ザーメンを姉と妹2人が1日で中出しごっくん!! 上原亜衣 あべみかこ 有码 ZIZG-014 対魔忍アサギ ANOTHER STORY ~終わらない拘束調教アクメ~ 上原亜衣 有码 cjod007 痴女くノ一 上原亜衣 有码 hnd...
(Unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP OFFSET VOLTAGE VOS PSRR Input offset voltage Power supply rejection ratio VS = 2.4V to 40V, VCM = (V–) –3 ±0.5 100 POWER SUPPLY IQ Quiescent current per comparator, No Load Output Low, TA = 25°C 5 IQ Quiescent current per...
(internal, per cell) BQ76920 BQ76930, BQ76940 0 50 mA 0 5 mA RC External cell input resistance BQ76920 BQ76930, BQ76940 40 100 500 1K 1K Ω 1K Ω CC Rf Cf RFILT RALERT CL CCAP RTS TOPR External cell input capacitance External supply filter resistance External supply filter ...
Crystal Electrical Characteristics (Oscillator Mode) DESCRIPTION MIN TYP Parallel resonance crystal frequency 50 Crystal load capacitance 5 8 Crystal ESR Expected temperature range of operation -40 Crystal frequency tolerance(1) (2) -100 50 MAX 12 50 140 100(3) 200 UNIT MHz pF Ω℃ ppm μW (...
min/max values stated where TA = -40°C to 85°C and VBAT = 4.7 V to 55 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT I(PULLUP) Internal pullup current from BAT pin to LD pin, used for load detect functionality VBAT ≥ 4.7 V, VLD = VSS 35 100 172 µ...
(標準値) – オフセット誤差補正:オフセットを低減し,デバイス を精度仕様内に戻す – 長期ドリフト:0.19%RH / 年– 内蔵ヒーターによる結露保護 • 温度センサ: – 動作範囲:-40℃~125℃ – 精度:±0.1°C (標準値) • NIST トレース可能:相対湿度および温度 • 低い消費電力:...
40℃ ≤ TJ ≤ 150℃ (Typical values are at VCC = 3.3 V, VIO = 3.3 V for TCAN3413, Device ambient maintained at 27℃) unless otherwise noted PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT See 図 6-4 , normal mode, VCC = VIO = 3 V to 3.6 V, RL = 60 Ω, CL = 100 pF, CL...