*/ Say 'Setting up the native SQL PL helper routine...' call "CRSQLPL" 'DD:HELPRSP1', , , 'RETACTIVATE'; parse var result rc . 1 tok1 VerStmt ; if "DATATYPE"(rc,'W')=0 then select; /* OK, 1st word not a number */ when tok1='/*CP*/' then rc=...
*/ Say 'Setting up the native SQL PL helper routine...' call "CRSQLPL" 'DD:HELPRSP1', , , 'RETACTIVATE'; parse var result rc . 1 tok1 VerStmt ; if "DATATYPE"(rc,'W')=0 then select; /* OK, 1st word not a number */ when tok1='/*CP*/' then rc=0...