52023-09-15DAS模式识别系统模式识别2023SR1074852V1.0 该软件著作权人信息 成都声听 成都声听科技有限责任公司 成立日期:2023-04-14 法定代表人:张洪 统一社会信用代码:91510100MACGD50X8L 天眼查著作权查询频道,数据来源于成都声听科技有限责任公司合法公开的著作权数据,仅供参考。
Updated the evaluation metrics in 'das_data_svm.py' and 'das_data_cnn.py'. The new metrics are Accuracy, NAR (Nuisance Alarm Rate), FNR (False Negative Rate), Precision, Recall and F1-Score. Methods for calculating Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score can be found in the Confusion...
introduced a DAS system employing FDM-TGD-OFDR, achieving a 9 kHz frequency response across a 24.7 km distance with modulation pulses spanning five frequency segments within a 100 MHz bandwidth [8]. Similarly, in 2018, J. Xiong et al. combined positive and negative pulse signals, FDM ...
Recently, a distributed acoustic sensor (DAS) based on the principle of quantitative measurement of Φ-OTDR has been used to measure seismic waves and other vibration events [3,4]. Moreover, more and more researchers are focusing on how to achieve event localization and automatic tracking with ...