This paper introduces a state-of-the-art design of a high speed sigma delta digital to analog converter (DAC), which can be integrated into a system-on-a-chip (SOC) for different communication transceivers. The operation speed in the digital circuit is very important for accomplishing the per...
This paper presents a novel implementation of Sigma Delta digital decimation filter with low power and hardware efficient but high performance. The digital decimation filter consists of a modified Cascaded integrator comb decimation filter, one stage compensate filter and one stage half-band filter. The...
带通Sigma-Delta调制器常用的行为级仿真工具是基于Simulink仿真环境的SD Toolbox[1]工具箱,但是该工具箱中只有两个延时单元的谐振器模型,因此无法对一个延时单元或无延时单元的谐振器进行模拟。而使用DD结构实现的一个延时单元或无延时单元的谐振器又较为常见[2-4]。因此为对这一类型的谐振器进行行为级仿真,需要构...
摘要: 本文设计了一个用在ADC(ADC)中的3阶8级量化的delta-sigma调制器(DSM)。该调制器的过采样率128,信号带宽32.8kHz,分辨率16位。在设计噪声传输函数(NTF)时采用前馈方式实现极点和局部反馈实现零点,从而优化了输出信噪比,通过这些方法提高动态范围(DR),降低量化噪声。这个DSMl的峰值信噪比可以达到145db以上。最后...
A sigma-delta programmer is supplied with a data word having a word length of N bits. The most significant L bits of the data word represent the places before the decimal point, and the remaining N−L less significant bits represent the places after the decimal point in the data word...
美['sɪɡmə] 释义 n. 希腊字母表的第十八字母(∑,σ) 大小写变形:SIGMASigma 词态变化 复数:sigmas; 实用场景例句 全部 Summations are almost invariably indicated ellipses instead of the more prevalentsigmanotation. 在表示“连加”的式子中,几乎一成不变地使用省略号来代替更为流行的“∑”符号....
A sigma-delta modulator is supplied with a data word and includes a first and at least one further modulation stage, each having at least two adders. The adders in the first modulation stage process a low-significance component and a delayed more significant component of the data word and pro...
最近学习了一波温度传感器,需要用ADC,其实SAR ADC的基本原理还是很好理解的,就是理解sigma-delta ADC的原理有点困难,因此记录下,一说sigma-delta ADC我门会看到图一框图,当然会一脸懵逼的。当然过采样什么的我们先不考虑。理解原理不能光盯着原理图的框图看,当然其实真的设计ADC不了解原理也能做出来,只要知道这几...