We calculate the branching ratio of omega --> pi^+ pi^- gamma decay in a phenomenological framework in which the contributions of VMD, chiral loops, sigma-meson intermediate state amplitudes and the effects of omega-rho mixing are considered. We conclude that the sigma-meson intermediate state...
• Αα(Alpha)• Ββ(Beta)• Γγ(Gamma)• Δδ(Delta)• Εε(Epsilon)• Ζζ(Zeta)• Ηη(Eta)• Θθ(Theta)• Ιι(Iota)• Κκ(Kappa)• Λλ(Lambda)• Μμ(Mu)• Νν(Nu)• Ξξ(Xi)• Οο(Omicron)• Ππ(Pi)• Ρρ(Rho)• Σσ/...