[Alpha][Psi][Omicron][Rho][Rho][Omicron][Omicron][Upsilon] [Omega][Kappa][Epsilon][Alpha][Nu][Omicron][Iota][Omicron]: A BABYLONIAN REMINISCENCE? The article talks about the interpretation of "aψoρρóov kεαvoo" as a Babylonian reminiscence. It proposes that the formation of aψo...
two distinct shared antibody responses3,4. Interestingly, although a shared antibody response escaped by the recurrent substitution L452R has remained unidentified, the L452R-bearing Delta variant, despite lacking substitutions at 484 and 417/501, displaced the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Kappa and B.1.61...
希腊语学习(更新中)✨ | ✍️希腊语24个字母:• Αα(Alpha)• Ββ(Beta)• Γγ(Gamma)• Δδ(Delta)• Εε(Epsilon)• Ζζ(Zeta)• Ηη(Eta)• Θθ(Theta)• Ιι(Iota)• Κκ(Kappa)• Λλ(Lambda)• Μμ(Mu)• Νν(Nu)• Ξξ(Xi)• Οο(O...
The L452R mutation is also present in the Delta, Kappa and Epsilon variants (and L452Q in Lambda), and mutations at this position have been associated with a reduction in neutralization by monoclonal antibodies (particularly class 2 antibodies) and polyclonal sera9,10,11. Mutations at this ...
世卫根据变异株病毒的致病性、传播风险等特征分为三类:需高度关注的变异株(Variants of Concern,VOC)、需留意的变异株(Variants of Interest)、进一步监测的变异株。在这之前最高等级VOC有四种毒株,包括占全球传播90%以上的德尔塔(Delta)毒株。 ❖ variant /'vεəriənt/ n. 变体;变异型 ...
The IC50 values of each nAb against D614G, Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), Gamma (P.1), Delta (B.1.617.2), Epsilon (B.1.429), Eta (B.1.525), Lota-a (B.1.526a), Lota-b (B.1.526b), Kappa (B.1.617.1), Lambda (C.37), and A.VOL. V2 in order (D) and the fold...
目前正在肆虐的德尔塔病毒,就来源于希腊字母中的第4个字母δ,英文转写为Delta[ˈdeltə]。 此次南非检测出的新变种病毒,其名称来源于希腊字母第15个字母ο,英文转写为Omicron。它的发音如下: 英音读法为[əʊˈmaɪkrɒn] 美音读法为...