图书Η τέχνη του προγραμματισμού 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Tau Kappa EpsilonDeveloping Character Professional Athletes Aaron Rodgers Professional Football Player (Sigma-Xi, St. Norbert, 2012) An American football quarterback, signed by the Green Bay Packers in May 2005. Super Bowl Champion and MVP 2010. Back up quarterback for Brett Favre for his first th...
We report the first observation of Upsilon(2S)-->etaUpsilon(1S), with a branching fraction B=(2.1(-0.6)+0.7(stat)+/-0.3(syst)) x 10(-4) and a statistical significance 5.3sigma. Data were acquired with the CLEO III detector at the CESR e+e(-) symmetric collider. This is the firs...
\begin{aligned} \Omega _\alpha:= & {} \tau z_\alpha - (1-\tau ) (p_\alpha (\sigma ) \nonumber \\{} & {} -\beta v_\alpha +\rho ( y_\alpha +p_{+\alpha } +u_\alpha )) , \end{aligned} (3.18) where \begin{aligned} p_\alpha (\sigma )=\sum _{i=1}^k p_...
The decays of $\Upsilon(1s)\to\gamma(\eta',\eta)$ are studied by an approach which has successfully predicted the ratio $\frac{\Gamma(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta')}{\Gamma(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta)}$. Strong dependence on quark mass has been found in the decays $(J/\ps ...
In this work, we investigate the re-scattering effects in the radiative decay $\\Upsilon(5S)o\\eta_b+\\gamma$, which were suggested to be crucially important for understanding the anomalous largeness of the branching ratios $B(\\Upsilon(5S)o \\Upsilon(1S)+\\pi\\pi)$ and $B(\\Upsil...
We calculate the decay constant ratios $f_{\eta_c}/f_{J/\psi}$ and$f_{\eta_b}/f_\Upsilon$. In the calculation we take into account the mock mesonstructures of the mesons, as well as the difference of the wave functions atorigin of the vector and pseudoscalar mesons studied ...
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• Ιι(Iota)• Κκ(Kappa)• Λλ(Lambda)• Μμ(Mu)• Νν(Nu)• Ξξ(Xi)• Οο(Omicron)• Ππ(Pi)• Ρρ(Rho)• Σσ/ς(Sigma)• Ττ(Tau)• Υυ(Upsilon)• Φφ(Phi)• Χχ(Chi)• Ψψ(Psi)• Ωω(Omega) #希腊语学习 ...