球, 用硝酸处理并最终在硝酸铁溶液中超声 Fe 3 O 4 纳米实心球, 得到了晶粒尺寸约在 5 nm 的 -Fe 2 O 3 纳米空心球. X 射线衍射(XRD)、X 射线散射能谱(EDS)、扫描/透射电子显微镜(SEM/ HRTEM)、氮气和孔径分布(BJH)证明所得的样品为高纯的具有孔结构的 -Fe 2 O 3 纳米空心球. 超 导量子干涉...
1 棕红色 2 有的有弱磁性,可以被吸起,有的不行。
纳米γ-Fe_2O_3粒子 1. The γ-Fe_2O_3 nanoparticles with different magnetic properties were prepared by oxidation of Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles in the air. 以纳米 Fe_3O_4粒子为原料,通过空气氧化法, 制备出了具有不同磁性能的球形和立方形纳米γ-Fe_2O_3 粒子,研究了纳米γ-Fe_2O_3粒子的磁...
A combustible gas sensor using semiconducting gamma hematite\gammaFe2<03 ceramics has been developed. This sensor is made by applying a remarkable gas sensitive phenomenon observed in\gammaFe2O3ceramics. Clarification of the gas sensitive behavior and degradation mechanism permitted device life time to...
We report the magnetic properties for dispersed, spherical Fe3O4 and gamma-Fe2O3 particles similar to 250 nm in diameter in the temperature range T = 4.2-294 K. For Fe3O4, hysteresis properties show anomalies at 130 K, where the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K-1 vanishes; the ra...
lactate colorimetric sensor;bi-phase γ-/α-Fe2O3;peroxidase-like activity;lactate oxidation;bi-phase γ-/α-Fe2O3/ZnO Graphical Abstract 1. Introduction Lactate is a metabolite resulting from the anaerobic process of the respiratory chain in cells. Its quantifying is related to clinical diagnosi...