一抗Alpha-1-Fetoprotein抗体试剂抗体名称:AFP产品编号:IR006克隆号:polyclonal同型:兔多克隆抗体细胞定位:细胞质适用组织: 石蜡/冰冻阳性对照: 肝癌抗体孵育时间: 30-60min抗原修复: 热修复(柠檬酸)备案号:粤穗械备20180534号 临床意义 AFP是由胚胎卵黄囊细胞,胚胎肝细胞和胎儿肠道细胞合成的一种糖蛋白。在胎儿的...
AFP 甲胎蛋白 (Alpha-Fetoprotein)AFP 甲胎蛋白(AFP)是一种糖蛋白,它属于白蛋白家族,主要由胎儿肝细胞及卵黄囊合成。甲胎蛋白在胎儿血液循环中具有较高的浓度,出生后则下降,至生后2~3月甲胎蛋白基本被白蛋白替代,血液中较难检出,故在成人血清中含量极低。甲胎蛋白具有很多重要的生理功能,包括运输功能、作为...
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Mouse mAb images Western blot - Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Mouse mAb (A11865) Western blot analysis of lysates from HepG2 cells, using Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Mouse mAb (A11865) at 1:1000 dilution.Secondary antibody: HRP-conjugated Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) (AS003...
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a strong immunogen when injected into another species, but does not elicit an immune response in the species of origin of the AFP. AFPs from different mammalian species are crossreactive. AFP and albumin show sequence homology. They do not crossreact in their native...
提供的甲胎蛋白(AFP),人脐带血清Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Human Cord Serum是Biovision品牌中国区域总代理艾美捷科技产品,具体的蛋白序列可查看提供的英文版本产品说明书。 来源宿主 提供的甲胎蛋白(AFP),人脐带血清Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Human Cord Serum产品来源宿主,查看该产品说明书,或者在线咨询我们。
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is used as a tumor marker to help detect and diagnose cancers of the liver, testicles, and ovaries. An AFP test may be ordered, along with imaging studies, to try to detect liver cancer when it is in its earliest and most treatabl
一、甲胎蛋白定性检测 Alpha-Fetoprotein AFP 1 检验目的 检测血清 AFP 主要是用于原发性肝癌、 生殖系统肿瘤等恶性肿瘤的诊断或或鉴别诊断 可以动态观察相关疾病的发生发展过程、疗效及预后评估 另外还可作为唐氏综合征、早期胎儿先天性畸形及肝癌高发区的普查指标。 2 方法原理 采用 ELISA 双抗体夹心法 向抗 AFP ...
The most abundant plasma protein found in the human fetus is alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). AFP is a protein normally made by the immature liver cells in the fetus. Healthy, nonpregnant adults have very low levels of AFP in the bloodstream (undetectable to about 10 ng/ml). At birth, infants ...