G. GeppertH. ThielemannG. LangkopfAkademie‐VerlagActa BiotechnologicaGeppert G, Thielemann H, Langkopf G (1989) Acta Biotechnol 9:541 View ArticleGeppert G., Thielemann H., Langkopf G. (1989) Industrial meters for measuring the turbidity of liquids. Acta Biotechnol . 9: 541–545...
Get PDF (588K) Abstract A survey is made of the control of penal legislation in the battle against criminality under the influence of alcohol and the underlying principles in the German Democratic Republic. Reasons are given for the need to examine criminal responsibility, in particular with a ...
德语幽默: bung macht den Meister 熟能生巧 我爱小语种学习网整理编辑德语幽默故事,Übung macht den Meister 熟能生巧,帮助大家轻松提高德语阅读能力,积累德语词汇。 Übung macht den Meister 熟能生巧 Leider sind Autounfälle nicht selten. In diesem Fall hatte ein Auto Fußgänger angefahren. ...
Critiques the music release 'J.S. Bach: Clavierubung III, Schubler Chorales, Canonic Variations,' by John O'Donnell.RussellMalcolmEBSCO_AspChoir & Organ
Übung: Eine natürliche Lösung für Brustkrebsvorsorge und Recovery?ExerciseReviewed by Nutricula on Oct 27Rating: If you are one of those loyal and dedicated Nutricula readers, you know that I have contributed an article to each issue of Nutricula since the journal's debut issue back in ...
During the German-wide conference held on 16. and 17. of November 1999 entiteld Low-voltage Switchgear Tech-nilogy and Equipment an increase of the LV level was discussed. Initiated by the chairperson Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Voss first of the historic development of LV-levels were presented. In ...
Nitrate leaching from intensively and extensively grazed grassland measured with suction cup samplers and sampling of soil mineral-N II Variability of NO 3 and NH 4 values and degree of accuracy of the measurement methods Data from a grazing experiment — comparison of mean values, see Anger et...
doi:10.1002/1522-2624(200210)165:5<640::AID-JPLN640>3.0.CO;2-FAnger, MichaelInstitut für Pflanzenbau der Universität Bonn, Katzenburgweg 5, D‐53115 Bonn, GermanyHüging, HubertInstitut für Pflanzenbau der Universität Bonn, Katzenburgweg 5, D‐53115 Bonn, GermanyHuth, Christian...
Presuppositions for the occurence of a plastic instability. States of stress under which, during the deformation of squares, plastic instability can occur.doi:10.1002/srin.197105770Ziegler, WolfgangSteel Research International
13 C NMR of ortho -Disubstituted Isopropylbenzenes: Chemical Shift and Conformation Relative to the (H 3 C) 2 CH — Aryl Bond Hindered rotation about the C(sp 2 ) C(sp 3 ) bond in 2-isopropylmesitylene ( 3 ), 1-isopropyl-2-methylnaphthalene ( 4 ), and 9-isopropylanthracene ( 5 ...