Whilst New Zealand focuses on the protection of private land and sticks to theories, the European Union's policy revolves more around public land and a green economy. Despite the countries' disparities they do have some common demons to fight. Inadequate data can turn the choice of the most ...
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Founded in 1994 in Campinas, the "Toca de Assis" called attention because of its ability to attract the youth for a life of radical poverty devoted to the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the caring of the homeless. In 2009, the removal of its leader/founder provoked a crisis and ...
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )MAO MORTA, ARevista De Filosofía
The discovery of the oriental poetry, specially Japanese and Chinese, had a deep impact in the poetic writing and personal evolution of the mexican poet Octavio Paz. The initial approach to the taoist aesthetic and philosophical universe was made trough the synthetic, sensorial and deeply suggestive...
for this, the concept of symbol will be used as analysis tool, since this allows to visualize aspects such as form, and meaning.doi:http://dx.doi.org/Soní SotoAraceliDOAJArgumentos
Filipe Jorge Ribeiro deRevista De Administrao ContemporneaALMEIDA, F. Etica e Desempenho Social das Organizacőes: um Modelo Teorico de Analise dos Fatores Culturais e Contextuais. Revista de Administracao Comtemporanea, v. 11, n. 3, p.105-125, 2007....