sphaleritelattice impurityDFT calculationcopper activationThe electronic properties of sphalerite (110) surface bearing Fe, Mn and Cd impurities were calculated using density-functional theory, and the effects of impurities on the copper activation of sphalerite were investigated. Calculated results indicate ...
l;berträger]]>fluorescence counterstainnuclear counterstainimmunocytochemistrypropidium iodidecell cultureNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/cite.200690107M. Rinner Dr.-IngWILEY‐VCH VerlagChemie Ingenieur Technik
l- und Osteuropa]]>The rural regions in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are confronted with numerous problems that in a generalised sense are frequently characterised as a low population density, insufficient infrastructure, low income per capita, unfavourable age and education structure, ...
Beecken C, Schulze S (2011) Energieeffizienz von Wohngebäuden: Energieverbräuche und Investitionskosten energetischer Gebäudestandards. Bauphysik 33(6):338–344Beecken C, Schulze S (2011) Energieeffizienz von Wohngebäuden: Energieverbräuche und Investitionskosten energetischer Gebäude...
No abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1111/j.1746-692X.2010.00157.xFluhartyCharlesBlackwell Publishing LtdEurochoices