Gagnaire D, Taravel FR (1980) Biosynthe`se de cellulose bac- te´rienne a` partir de D-glucose uniforme´ment enrichi en 13C. Eur Biochem 103:133-143Gagnaire, D. Y. & Taravel, F. R. ( 1980 ) Biosynthèse de cellulose bactérienne à partir de d-glucose uniformément enrichi ...
These relationships, which depend on the nature of the pistons, the quenched alloy and the sample thickness, agree with experiment. It is further shown that the thickness of the quenched platelets is always larger than a `critical value' attained in an `ideal' process. In such a process the...
Centre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Domaine Universitaire, B.P. 53, 38041 Grenoble, FranceTaravel, François RCentre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Domaine Universitaire, ...
It can be used to evaluate and adjust public health messages.doi:10.1016/j.respe.2016.12.025M. PivetteV. AuvigneP. GuérinJ.E. MuellerElsevier Masson SASRevue Depidemiologie Et De Santé Publique
This paper is a review of the research work being undertaken in the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble in close cooperation with Institut fr Schnee und Lawinenforschung of Davos (Switzerland). Although the authors are primarily concerned with hydrological forecasting, it appeared that some ...
Hauff, Jean‐PierreFaculté des Sciences, rue Mégevand 32, F–25030 BesançonTuaillon, JacquesFaculté des Sciences, rue Mégevand 32, F–25030 BesançonPerrot, RogerFaculté des Sciences, rue Mégevand 32, F–25030 BesançonWILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHHelvetica Chimica Acta...
These findings were found both in patients with immunological and virological response and in control subjects who showed an increase in CD4(+) T cell counts but no concomitant decline in HIV load. After in vitro treatment with ritonavir or indinavir, apoptosis of both HIV-infected and -un...
The propagation mechanism has also been studied with 1 H- 1 H correlation spectroscopy.doi:10.1002/macp.1991.021920216Jean-Pierre MonthéardBernard BoinonFirmin RodriguezQuang-Tho PhamHugues WatonDie Makromolekulare Chemie
From benzopyranno-1-as-triazinones 1 and 2 , chloro, hydrazino and aminobenzopyranno-1-as-triazinehsa ve easily been prepared by transformation of the carbonyl function. These compounds lead to triazolo and imidazolobenzopyranno-1-as-triazines by reaction with acids or α-bromo...
Aorta, AbdominalMesenteric ArteriesRabbitsRenal Artery ObstructionHypertensionPotassiumSodiumDesoxycorticosteronePhotometryPharmacologyUrbá-Holmgren R, Holmgren B.doi:10.1016/0006-8993(68)90188-1J. A. C. Fagginger AuerBrain Research